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- 帶著爸爸去留學 01 | Over the Sea I Come to You 01(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 02 | Over the Sea I Come to You 02(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 03 | Over the Sea I Come to You 03(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 04 | Over the Sea I Come to You 04(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 05 | Over the Sea I Come to You 05(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 06 | Over the Sea I Come to You 06(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 07 | Over the Sea I Come to You 07(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 08 | Over the Sea I Come to You 08(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 09 | Over the Sea I Come to You 09(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 10 | Over the Sea I Come to You 10(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 11 | Over the Sea I Come to You 11(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 12 | Over the Sea I Come to You 12(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 13 | Over the Sea I Come to You 13(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 14 | Over the Sea I Come to You 14(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 15 | Over the Sea I Come to You 15(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 16 | Over the Sea I Come to You 16(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 17 | Over the Sea I Come to You 17(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 18 | Over the Sea I Come to You 18(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 19 | Over the Sea I Come to You 19(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 20 | Over the Sea I Come to You 20(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 21 | Over the Sea I Come to You 21(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 22 | Over the Sea I Come to You 22(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 23 | Over the Sea I Come to You 23(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 24 | Over the Sea I Come to You 24(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 25 | Over the Sea I Come to You 25(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 26 | Over the Sea I Come to You 26(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 27 | Over the Sea I Come to You 27(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 28 | Over the Sea I Come to You 28(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 29 | Over the Sea I Come to You 29(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 30 | Over the Sea I Come to You 30(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 31 | Over the Sea I Come to You 31(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 32 | Over the Sea I Come to You 32(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 33 | Over the Sea I Come to You 33(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 34 | Over the Sea I Come to You 34(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 35 | Over the Sea I Come to You 35(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 36 | Over the Sea I Come to You 36(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 37 | Over the Sea I Come to You 37(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 38 | Over the Sea I Come to You 38(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 39 | Over the Sea I Come to You 39(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 40 | Over the Sea I Come to You 40(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 41 | Over the Sea I Come to You 41(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 42 | Over the Sea I Come to You 42(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 43 | Over the Sea I Come to You 43(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 44 | Over the Sea I Come to You 44(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 45 | Over the Sea I Come to You 45(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)帶著爸爸去留學 46 | Over the Sea I Come to You 46(大結局)(孫紅雷、辛芷蕾、曾舜晞等主演)
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剧 情
黄成栋(孙红雷饰)送独生儿子黄小栋(曾舜晞饰)赴海外留学路途中,结识了同样去留学的林飒(辛芷蕾饰)和武丹丹(蒋依依饰)。经历了一系列状况百出、啼笑皆非的意外,剧中三组完全不同的家庭在异国他乡相互碰撞摩擦,历经家庭关系、亲子关系、自我成长的重重考验,每个人都最终收获了属于自己的新生。 [
- 1 舌尖上的中国★第三季★
- 2 远方的家
- 3 玉蒲团之玉女心经
- 4 走遍中国
- 5 狄仁杰之神都龙王
- 6 全民目击
- 7 警察故事2013
- 8 白日焰火Black Coal
- 9 厉害了,我的国
- 10 北京遇上西雅图之不二情
- 11 大唐玄奘