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- 【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 01丨Eagles And Youngster 01 王俊凯少年无畏下天坑[English Sub]Tiankeng Falconry 02丨Eagles And Youngster 02 Eagles and Wolfs ReunionEagles And Youngster 03 Bao Qing speaks out for his friends and gets beaten up天坑鹰猎04丨Eagles And Youngster 04 Set the trap to join the ghost【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 05丨Eagles And Youngster 05 少年团首次探坑【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 06丨Eagles And Youngster 06 保庆错位吻[English Sub]Tiankeng Falconry 07丨Eagles And Youngster 07 From Tiankeng Baoqing Yingying Egg[English Sub]Tiankeng Falconry 08丨Eagles And Youngster 08 Join forces with Yang Lan Bao Qing【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 09丨Eagles And Youngster 09 神鹰现世白将军出道EAGLES AND YOUNGSTER episode 10Tiankeng Eagle Hunting 11丨Eagles And Youngster 11【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 12丨Eagles And Youngster 12 “青瓜”小学鸡互怼【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 13丨Eagles And Youngster 13 朋友的意义就是互相依靠【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 14丨Eagles And Youngster 14 张保庆一次带俩姑娘回家【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 15丨Eagles And Youngster 15 张保庆被他妈”骂“了?【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 16丨Eagles And Youngster 16 保庆和菜瓜姐弟俩前往鹿云镇第17集第18集天坑鹰猎 19丨Eagles And Youngster 19 陆国华发放“洗脑包”【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 20丨Eagles And Youngster 20 啥?咱队长喜欢女的?【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 21丨Eagles And Youngster 21 灾祸不断 处境艰难天坑鹰猎 22丨Eagles And Youngster 22 菜瓜坚定守护朋友第23集第24集第25集第26集【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 27丨Eagles And Youngster 27 万金之国大幕拉开【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 28丨Eagles And Youngster 28 墓室被困!保庆菜瓜生死劫【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 29丨Eagles And Youngster 29 是“兄弟”就来砍我【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 30丨Eagles And Youngster 30 瓜妹喜提“女孩”认证Tiankeng Eagle Hunting 31丨 Eagles And Youngster 31 Mysterious forces surfaced【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 32丨Eagles And Youngster 32 心疼瓜妹!少年团落入圈套天坑鹰猎 33丨Eagles And Youngster 33 爹庆爹回回小白Tiankeng Eagle Hunting 34丨Eagles And Youngster 34Tiankeng Eagle Hunting 35丨 Eagles And Youngster 35 Baoqing is in a crisis of confidence!【English Sub】天坑鹰猎 36丨Eagles And Youngster 36 耿直粉头二鼻子Tiankeng Eagle Hunting 37丨Eagles And Youngster 37Tiankeng Eagle Hunting 38丨Eagles And Youngster 38Tiankeng Eagle Hunting 39丨 Eagles And Youngster 39 Zhang Baoqing, let me come this time!天坑鹰猎 40丨Eagles And Youngster 40 你就是远方
- 【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 01 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 02 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 03 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 04 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 06 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 05 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 09 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 07 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 08 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 11 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 10 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 12 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 13 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 15 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 14 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 16 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 17 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 19 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 18 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 20 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 21 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 23 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 22 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 24 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 25 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 27 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 28 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 29 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 30 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 26 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 31 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 32 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 33 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 34 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 35 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 36 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 37 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 38 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 39 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分【Eng Sub】天坑鹰猎 EP 40大结局 | Candle in the Tomb: Eagles and Youngster——鬼吹灯少年篇•豆瓣7.6高分
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剧 情
该剧于2018年8月30日在优酷视频播出,并于同年9月25日在东方卫视周播剧场上星首播 [4] 。20世纪80年代末,北京少年张保庆只身前往东北鹰屯,与猎鹰族姐弟菜瓜、二鼻子不打不相识。城市少年第一次感受到了自然的奇妙,同时从菜瓜姐弟的行为中明白了人和自然,取之有道,敬畏生命的道理。三个热血少年结为好友,共赴雪原为其恩师寻找解药线索,突遇风雪掉入雪山天坑。
- 1 舌尖上的中国★第三季★
- 2 远方的家
- 3 玉蒲团之玉女心经
- 4 走遍中国
- 5 狄仁杰之神都龙王
- 6 全民目击
- 7 警察故事2013
- 8 白日焰火Black Coal
- 9 厉害了,我的国
- 10 北京遇上西雅图之不二情
- 11 大唐玄奘